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Being open to learn. Facing change together.

Organizational Development

Increasing globalization and cultural change has intensified the areas of tension in companies, leading to increased business complexity and making it necessary to overcome traditional approaches.

⁠Change processes in organizations are only successful if the culture and structure of the organization is in line with the deeper motives and needs of the employees. It is important to gain a comprehensive insight into the internal dynamics of an organization in order to provide concrete information for those who want to bring about change in the culture and structure. In this way, better and more functional interventions and transition processes can be developed. These approaches are particularly suitable for organizations that strive for more holism, self-management and evolutionary goals.

⁠⁠Change processes need to be approached holistically in order to have a lasting impact and this requires careful planning and implementation. In my role as a coach for organizational development, I create space for reflection, sparring, analysis and conception.

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This is how I design your organizational development

To overcome the complex challenges in the context of organizational development, we look at the following topics together and develop approaches that are suitable for your organization and culture:

  • Resilience of the management team: It is essential that managers develop good personal stress management, especially in the context of organizational development, in order to be able to act as a role model of stability and calm.
  • Diversity: By actively creating a consciously diverse and inclusive corporate culture, all employees can become aware of their full potential and thus develop it.
  • Communication: Clear and transparent communication upwards and downwards is crucial in order to avoid misunderstandings and strengthen teamwork.
  • Agility and self-determination: Delegating responsibilities and empowering employees with a high level of maturity to manage themselves increases the efficiency of the team and employee satisfaction.

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Organisational Development with Katja Pleterski

Successful change processes require a harmonized corporate culture and structure, and employee buy-in and motivation.

Working with Ms. Pleterski is very successful for everyone involved, as she is able to put herself in her colleagues' shoes very quickly and very well and can therefore support them with constructive suggestions. She doesn't just deal with the symptoms, but always tries to get to the heart of the problem/current situation and thus provides excellent support not only to me, but also to my colleagues in our "joint cooperation". Working with her is also a lot of fun, as she always has an open ear for all needs and concerns, despite all the challenges.

Markus R., Management 2nd level - Landesbank Baden-Württemberg

Ms. Pleterski quickly showed a deep understanding of my professional challenges and helped me to find practical solutions. Her friendly manner made the collaboration very pleasant. I really appreciate the collaboration and will be happy to come back to her for future challenges. Thank you very much for your support!

Maximilian K., Management 4th level - Putzmeister Holding GmbH

My managers and I were very fortunate to have Katja at our side for a full year as the responsible coach as part of an organization-wide coaching programme. I also speak for my team when I say that Katja was like a compass to guide us through all the small and large challenges in choosing the right path in each case - or sometimes she was just there for us as a discussion partner for the often so important, objective outside perspective. Personally and professionally, she was an invaluable sparring partner with great empathy and her heart in exactly the right place.

Stephan L., Management 2nd level - Deutsche WertpapierService Bank AG

When working with Katja, I experience lightness paired with depth, structure alternating with flexibility, brain combined with heart. In coaching and team development, she was able to quickly grasp dynamics in systems and situations and thus support me and my team in developing new perspectives and possible solutions.

Gabriela L., Management 2nd level, Plansee Holding AG

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